The path to success in professional life and personal development lies in self-awareness and acquiring effective communication skills. In this training program, we focus on key topics grouped under four main headings:
- Myself
- Effective Communication
- Leadership
- Being a Team
Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? This is the program for you! A comprehensive training opportunity that will guide you on your leadership journey, from effective listening and communication techniques to the art of as
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Including VAT, 3,000₺
Are you ready for an experience that will add color to your life? Learn the subtleties of preventing communication accidents and receiving feedback with "Effective Communication and Awareness Training".
You will learn to prevent communicat
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Including VAT, 3,000₺
Take a step to know yourself better and discover your strengths in your life journey!  This training offers an in-depth exploration of individual awareness, recognition of strengths and planning your future.
Are you ready to open the doors to your
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Including VAT, 1,100₺
Hayat yolculuğunuzda kendinizi daha iyi tanımak ve güçlü yönlerinizi keşfetmek için bir adım atın! 🚀 Bu eğitim, bireysel farkındalık, güçlü yönlerin tanınması ve geleceğinizi planlama konularında derinlemesine bir keşif sunu
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KDV dahil 1.100₺
Yeni yıl hedefleri belirlemek ve 2025'e güçlü bir başlangıç yapmak ister misiniz? Bu atölye, hem geçtiğimiz yılı değerlendirmek hem de 2025 için ilham verici, size özgü hedefler oluşturmak için harika bir fırsat sunuyor.
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Our lives are shaped by our CHOICES.
First, we make our choices. Then, our choices make us.
– Anne Frank