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  3. Mobilize Your Clients with Effective Coaching Questions

Mobilize Your Clients with Effective Coaching Questions

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Coaching is a powerful tool for individuals to get to know themselves and achieve their goals. However, coaching questions are among the most important elements that determine the effectiveness of the sessions. In this article, we share 10 essential questions that will strengthen your sessions and allow you to establish deep connections with your clients.


The Place of the Right Questions in Coaching

Coaching questions help your client deepen their thinking and gain new awareness. At the same time, a question asked at the right time opens up solutions and new perspectives. Therefore, each question should be designed to increase the client’s self-awareness and bring them closer to their goals.


The International Coach Federation ( ICF ) offers different approaches to coaching questions on its website. In this context, you can review the relevant article here .

Effective Coaching Questions

An Effective Start: Setting Goals

  • “What would you like to focus on in this meeting?” : With this question, the client sets the direction and maintains control. Thus, they participate more actively in the process.
  • “Why is this goal important to you?” : Understanding the motivation behind the goal makes for a more meaningful and engaging process.

Exploring Limiting Beliefs and Obstacles

  • “What thoughts are holding you back from achieving this goal?” : This question allows you to identify and work on your client’s mental barriers.
  • “What resources can you use to overcome these obstacles?” : You can help your client realize the available resources and use them effectively. In this way, you can help your client reveal their potential in the best way possible.

Discovering Strengths and Resources

  • “What are your most prominent strengths?” : This question will boost your clients’ self-confidence and help them recognize their successes.
  • “Who can support you in reaching your goals?” : With this question, you activate your client’s social support mechanisms and thus increase your client’s motivation.

Creating Clear Action Plans

  • “What will be your first step to achieve this goal?” : When you ask this question, your client breaks down their goals into pieces and makes them actionable. In this way, they move forward with more confident steps towards achieving their goals.
  • “What challenges might you encounter while implementing this plan?”: Anticipating potential obstacles and identifying alternative paths ultimately makes your client more resilient in the process.

Monitoring Development and Sense of Responsibility

  • “What was your biggest accomplishment on this topic?”: When your customer recognizes and celebrates their successes, it increases motivation.
  • “Who do you get support from to reach your goals?” : When the client uses support systems, their commitment increases. Thus, they become more strongly involved in the process.

Digitize Your Coaching Experience with Waytogo

If you want to conduct your coaching sessions on an online platform, you may also want to receive detailed reports during this process. In this case, Waytogo is the right choice for you!

  • Online meeting infrastructure
  • Instant report and insight support
  • User-friendly interface and analysis tools


Join Waytogo now and take your professional coaching experience to the next level!

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