In the coaching process I went through, I discovered that the real issue lies in the relationship I have established between my essence and my current self. I realized that many of the things I couldn’t understand, feared, didn’t have enough courage to face, and couldn’t act freely were not related to my surroundings but to my relationship with myself.
The Ubiquity of Communication and Relationships
We are in constant communication with different people at every moment of our lives. Starting from family life, then primary school, high school, university years, followed by work life, the process of building your own family, and becoming a parent. We can feel communication and relationships at any given moment. During all this communication, and in what we experience, people naturally want to give meaning to things.
The Path to Understanding: Starting with Self
I believe the path to understanding what we experience starts with understanding ourselves first. I think I might have discovered this very important and valuable insight in some way, but coaching accelerated this process.
Coaching as a Tool for Personal Direction
If I were to explain the benefit of coaching through a metaphor: Instead of being a leaf caught in the wind, I would say it is the most effective tool on the path to becoming a person who can determine their direction and discover their course and sphere of influence.
“Abdullah Ertuğ – My Coaching Journey”

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