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  2. Personal Development
  3. To Do List for Happiness

To Do List for Happiness

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Laughing is singing your own song, and laughter is dancing to it.

I am one of those who think how beautiful it is to laugh. Smiling is above all known and spoken languages. Even when I was most upset, angry or furious, I always tried to add something new or make me smile. I thought about the things that made me happy. I dreamed, imagined and always believed. Then I realized that the most important feeling that made me happy was hope. Hope is everything that feeds your emotional pleasures, connects you to your material and spiritual life purpose… How beautiful it is to be tied to it with a steel rope…

While I was thinking, “What does your purpose in life mean to you?” these were the notes I scribbled to myself:

  1. To laugh is to sing your own song.
  2. If you have a positive mindset, life will bring you positive-minded people.
  3. If what you have doesn’t make you happy right now, you won’t be happy no matter where you are.
  4. Therefore, no matter what life offers you, you must first accept it so that you can take action on your action plan.
  5. Find out what your treasure is in life! Your family, your child, your spouse, your lover, your friend… Whoever it is, know that one day they may not be there! Collect happy memories to remember. Forget about 3-day calculations, love unconditionally!
  6. Whatever you want in life, remember that it all requires sacrifice!
  7. Therefore, if you do not decide and take action, do not wait for something to happen, dream, believe and take action.
  8. Know how to enjoy and have fun! This will always bring you people who know how to enjoy and have fun.
  9. Don’t say, “I don’t know how to dance,” no matter what the music is, be grateful for your body and let it go because there is no mistake in dancing!
  10. This easy to do “to do list” will make you laugh and happy! Dancing to your own laughter is the most delicious dessert you can eat in your life.

I wish you to see all the signs in your destiny that keep you on the path and lead you on the path…
